– Day 10 – Portrush, Northern Ireland or rather Ballycastle
On day 10 of our cruise, we were supposed to go to the port in Portrush. However, we noticed already at breakfast that the sea was too choppy to tender with the Zodiacs. And then Captain Strommes announced that we would be heading to another port. Hopefully it's a little more calm sea.
At least we were able to have a hearty breakfast and/or rest a bit. In the meantime, the expedition team tried to reorganize the planned excursions.
With a delay of almost 3 hours, we were actually able to tender with the Zodiacs to the small harbor in Ballycastle Bay. The diverted excursion buses were already waiting here and the excursions could start.

Giant’s Causeway*
We had decided on the ‘giant’s causeway’ and Dunluce Castle (Irish: Dún Lios) excursion. First we drove through the breathtaking landscape to the giant Finn's crossing. On the way, Mick (the 'crazy man with the Texas hat, so we can find him again) told us the legend of the giant and of course many other entertaining stories. Dunluce Castle* (Irish: Dún Lios) Ausflug entschieden. Zunächst fuhren wir wieder durch die atemberaubende Landschaft zum Überweg des Riesen Finn. Unterwegs erzählte uns Mick (der „Verrückte mit dem Texashut“ damit wir ihn wiederfinden) die Legende des Riesen und natürlich noch viele weitere unterhaltsame Geschichten.

The Causeway can be navigated on foot or by small minibuses (fee EUR 1 per trip). The tourist density was extremely high here, so we decided to walk the almost 1.5 kilometers - 10 minutes downhill, at least 20 minutes back uphill. However, the stone formations are also unique - if you could catch a glimpse without tourists climbing. Of course there was also a huge souvenir shop, a small nature trail and a bistro on the giant's causeway.

The entrance fee of 15.50 euros per person had already been paid for by Mick (the 'crazy man with the Texas hat'). Giant’s Causeway* in Höhe von 15,50 Euro pro Person war schon von Mick (der „Verrückte mit dem Texashut“) geglichen worden.

Dunluce Castle (Irish: Dún Lios)

After 1.5 hours of amazement, we continued to Dunluce Castle. Scenes for the Game of Thrones series were also filmed here (home of the Graufreund family). Here too we were able to wander through the ruins on our own. The castle ruins were right on the steep cliffs, and across the sea the next stop would be Iceland - breathtaking.

Here too, Mick (the 'crazy man with the Texas hat') had paid the entry fee for Duncluce Castle.
Fortified with coffee and ice cream from the food truck in the Dunluce Castle car park, we headed back to the small town of Ballycastle.
The wind and waves had increased a bit here. Of course, the crew and the expedition team ensure that everyone gets back on board safely and relatively dry. Due to the delay in the morning, the kitchen crew and the service team had now organized a late lunch. A great buffet and set tables awaited us in the club lounge – a great achievement!
In the afternoon the SH VEGA did 3 extra laps around the island of Rathlin. Rathlin is quite small, just 6 miles long and 1 mile wide, but is Northern Ireland's largest island. The cliffs, which were up to 70 meters high, were striking. Around 100 people and a wide variety of bird species live on the island. Among other things, the puffins that can be seen on many souvenirs. At the foot of the cliffs of Rathlin Island you can, with a bit of luck, see seals or even dolphins.
We quickly got the binoculars that were in every cabin to observe the animals.
But we and the other passengers only saw seagulls.
The last evening on board the SH Vega
Unfortunately it was time to pack our bags because it was our last evening on board. As on other cruise ships, the colored luggage bands that marked the disembarkation time were on our bed.
Like every evening, Ronaldo had put a sweet on our pillows. The two large suitcases were quickly packed and we changed for the last dinner on board.

As on embarkation day, there was a rich buffet. With calm seas on the way to Dublin, we sat in the club lounge with Irene and Peter and enjoyed one last Espresso Martini from Fritz the barman.

– Day 11 – Dublin – End of an impressive journey
Our trip with the SH Vega from Swan Hellenic ended in Dublin on the trail of the Celts. We had to leave the large suitcases in front of the cabin door until 10 p.m. yesterday evening so that they could be picked up and taken to the terminal. The transfer to the airport started at 8:30 a.m., so get out early and have breakfast.

Nevertheless, we relaxed and enjoyed the excellent breakfast, as always, before we collected our hand luggage from our Suite 502.
Herzlich verabschiedete uns unser Kabinen Stewart Ronaldo und auch Julia, Dali und Ralf verabschiedeten jeden Gast persönlich. So entspannt war keine unserer mehr als 80 Ausschiffungen.
From the Dublin cruise port we didn't go directly to the airport, but rather to the Metro Hotel Dublin Airport. We wanted to see a bit of Dublin before heading back home. This transfer is also included in the travel price.
In Dublin, the main things on our to-do list were a visit to the Guinness brewery and Temple Bar, Dublin's pub mile. Temple Bar*, die Kneipenmeile von Dublin, auf unserer ToDo-Liste.

Guinness Brewery
We went to downtown Dublin by bus. On the walk to the Guinness brewery we had to stop at Dublin's oldest PUB, The Frazen Head, because of a heavy rain shower. Guinness Brewery mussten wir dann noch wegen eines heftigen Regenschauers im ältesten PUB Dublins, The Frazen Head, einkehren.

We booked the tickets for the Guinness brewery tour in advance online via GetyourGuide. The tour of the Guinness brewery is self-guided and audio guides are available free of charge. The finale was of course a freshly tapped Guinness in the 360-degree bistro on the 7th floor of the Guinness brewery. Here we once again enjoyed a now sunny view over Dublin. Tickets* für die Guinness-Brauerei Besichtigung* hatten wir vorab online über GetyourGuide* gebucht. Der Rundgang durch die Guinness-Brauerei erfolgt in Eigenregie, Audioguides stehen kostenlos zur Verfügung. Den Abschluss bildete natürlich ein frisch gezapftes Guinness im 360-Grad Bistro im 7. Stock der Guinness-Brauerei. Hier genossen wir noch einmal einen jetzt wieder sonnigen Blick über Dublin.

Temple Bar Dublin*
At around 5 p.m. we returned to the PUB BADBOBS TEMPLE BAR DUBLIN. At the end there was fish & chips and live music - a really successful end to an eventful trip with Swan Hellenic. PUB BADBOBS TEMPLE BAR DUBLIN ein. Zum Abschluss gab es Fish&Chips und Live-Musik – ein wirklich gelungener Abschluss einer erlebnisreichen Reise mit Swan Hellenic.

There was one last Guinness as a nightcap from the hotel bar. The next morning at 6:55 a.m. it was time to say good bye Dublin.
Conclusion of our cruise: “Spirit of the Celts”
Conclusion on the SH Vega
With the construction of the SH Vega, Swan Hellenic has succeeded in creating a stylishly designed expedition ship for a maximum of 158 passengers. Modern luxury in Scandinavian design. No excessive ostentation. Everything is functional but also elegant. The small infinity pool and the opportunities to relax are completely sufficient for the maximum number of passengers.
The two lounges, Observation and Club, are cozy and spacious. Everything is bright and friendly. The cabins are nice and big and the fireplace also makes the cabins cozy.
The service and support on board are excellent and you can tell that the staff are professionals.
The selection of food and drinks as well as the quality were also excellent.
The SH Vega does not need to fear the German competitors from Hapag Lloyd Cruises (HANSEATIC nature, HANSEATIC inspiration and HANSEATIC spirit).
Conclusion on the route
The “Spirit of the Celts” route from Portsmouth to Dublin around Ireland and Scotland was well chosen and varied. The range of excursions, included or extra, was extensive. There was something for everyone. “See what others don`t” proved to be true on our expedition trip. Portsmouth nach Dublin rund um Irland und Schottland war gut gewählt und abwechslungsreich. Das Angebot an Ausflügen, inkludiert oder extra, war reichhaltig. Es war für jeden etwas dabei. „See what others don`t“hat sich auf unserer Expeditionsreise als wahr erwiesen.
We visited places and sights that you would otherwise only see during a 3-week road trip.
Sometimes the journey times of the excursions were a bit too long for our taste. We would have liked one or more photo stops. All excursions were well organized, the guides were professional and knowledgeable about the subject. At all of the main attractions during the shore excursions, local food and/or drinks were prepared and included for us. All entrance fees were included.
Conclusion on Swan Hellenic
Swan Hellenic is clearly designed for expedition cruises with few passengers and at a 4,5 star level.
The international audience is on average 50+, mobile and values the amenities that are also available in 5 star hotels. Anyone who travels with Swan Hellenic can expect experiences that are special and will always be remembered.
Expedition not only means Arctic and Antarctic, but also Africa, Latin and Central America, unknown Europe.
The price level is on the same level as expedition cruises from other shipping companies.
Flights cannot be booked via Swan Hellenic. But organizing the arrival/departure on your own wasn't that bad, as Swan Hellenic took care of the transfers and an overnight stay before the cruise included.
Our travel reports: Cruise with the SH Vega
- Want to get to know Swan Hellenic!„See, what others don’t”- is the slogan and concept of Swan Hellenic. Get to know the SH Vega from Swan Hellenic with us.
- Around Ireland and Scotland on board the SH VegaWe have long wanted to discover Ireland, the land of green hills, myths and legends and breathtaking landscapes. Now, a dream comes true. Ireland and Scotland discover together on our cruise with the SH Vega from Swan Hellenic.
- Along the English Coast – Fowey – Tresco – BantryWe'll take you on our cruise along the English coast - visit Fowey, the small historic fishing town on the west coast of England - explore the flower island of Tresco - continue to Ireland in Bantry Bay Tresco – Weiter nach Irland in die Bantry Bay
- We only knew the Hebrides from the weather report and Galway only from a songWir trafen das Galway We met the Galway Girl - Were greeted by the town crier - Spotted a typical pup - Stood near the edge and explored the island of Iona in Scotland
- Heavy seas, stones, Scottish fjords without Nessi but with whiskyStonehenge, wer kennt es nicht. Wir besuchten die nicht weniger bekannten Callanish Standing Stones – Auch der Slogan von Swan Hellenic „See, what others don’t” wurde Wirklichkeit.
- Spectacular rocky landscapes, Puffins and DublinMick (the 'crazy man with the Texas hat accompanied us to the rocky landscapes at the Giant's Causeway - the castle from GOT - before we explored Dublin with the Guinness brewery.
Werbung: Advertising. Participation in the cruise on the SH Vega was partially supported by Swan Hellenic and took place at the invitation of Swan Hellenic. This has no influence on the reporting and we have only described our own experiences and impressions.
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